
“Are Marketing & Advertising Same? Let’s figure Out. ”

“Are Marketing & Advertising Same? Let’s figure Out. ”

Mostly every individual believes that Marketing and Advertising are the same thing. The fact is they're not. What is known as advertising, is just a part of the whole game of marketing. Marketing is the complete development of a brand, starting from the research then designing, advertising, sale, etc. Advertising is considered a part of the whole marketing process, which delivers the message using several platforms, in order to promote a product.
Surely advertising is the most important component of the marketing strategy, at the same time is the most expensive. Advertising is about delivering a message to an audience regarding a company, services or products. At the same time, advertising represents the behind the scenes work process, which includes the development of several strategies and methods to finally capture the attention of a target audience.
The platforms used to put the advertising are the following: mail, newspapers, television, internet, email, magazines flyers, billboards, etc. Television is considered the most popular one, although the internet is the one becoming popular faster.

Consider Marketing as a Galaxy of Stars.

One excellent approach to make a difference between marketing and advertising is seeing marketing as a galaxy of stars where advertising is a big shining star of it. Some other stars of the same galaxy are product designing, product pricing, customer satisfaction, market research, sales, etc. These starts are expected to work independently, but at the same time as a whole, to achieve a much bigger goal and helps to shine the brand.
To explain this, we can think about the process of selling a specific process, and at the same time, build a reputation of the company involved in a specific market. This is way marketing can be seen as a marathon process, which involves several tasks that take several hours or even days of research. This research is the marketing process which requires more time. The reason for this is related to the fact that it involves the deeply understating of the way people behave towards a specific product.
The other two aspects that also require a lot of time are: product design and developing an advertising strategy. The components that require much less time are the execution of the advertisements and sales. Similarly, marketing can be seen as a medium between the product consumers and the business.